Six Indonesian Provinces Have a Stunting Prevalence Rate of Above 30 Percent, Govt Official Says
An official from the Vice Presidential Secretariat stated that six provinces in Indonesia have a stunting prevalence rate of above 30 percent.
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An official from the Vice Presidential Secretariat stated that six provinces in Indonesia have a stunting prevalence rate of above 30 percent.
Health Minister reminded parents of the importance of weighing their children at health service posts as an effort to prevent stunting.
Indonesian Health Ministry stated that low intake of animal protein can cause stunting in children
Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin mentioned that stunting would hinder Indonesia's chance to become a developed country.
Jakarta Acting Governor Heru Budi Hartono said Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sidikin visited the City Hall to deliver guidance regarding stunting.
The National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) has stated that prohibiting child marriage could help prevent stunting in children.
The high number of anemia cases among teenage girls in Yogyakarta may affect the number of stunting cases among children in the province
A minister stated that integrated healthcare center (posyandu) played an important role in handling stunting in the community.
Minister Muhadjir Effendy highlights importance of community involvement as main key in stunting prevention and stunting prevalence reduction efforts
Jakarta Secretary's assistant Sri Harryati disclosed a number of strategies designed to tackle capital issues, including poverty and stunting.
Health Minister and Acting Jakarta Governor agree to to focus stunting reduction efforts in Jakarta on pregnant women.
Jakarta Acting Governor Heru Budi Hartono encourages pregnant women to conduct routine screening in a bid to prevent stunting.
Acting Jakarta Governor Heru Budi Hartono set a target to reduce the stunting rate in the Capital City as low as possible.
A Professor of Nutrition Science from the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) said that consuming fish in sufficient quantities could prevent stunting.
Ministry of Health has determined 12 provinces that need to be focused on accelerating the reduction of stunting in Indonesia.
A number of Indonesian provinces are currently combatting the high number of stunting among children.
National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) conducts a more extensive outreach on topic of breastfeeding to prevent stunting in children.
Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said the government allocated Rp44.8 trillion from the State Budget (APBN) to suppress the stunting rate.
Midwives are playing an important role in assisting families to support childhood stunting reduction efforts in Indonesia
Having breakfast and limiting caffeine consumption can help prevent pregnant women from having stunted babies, or child stunting.