BREAKING NEWS: Indonesia's 9th Vice President Hamzah Haz Dies at 84
Indonesia's former Vice President Hamzah Haz reportedly died this morning, July 24, at his home in Tegalan. He was 84 years old.
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Indonesia's former Vice President Hamzah Haz reportedly died this morning, July 24, at his home in Tegalan. He was 84 years old.
Asmaniah alias Nani, wife of former vice president Hamzah
Haz, passed away aged 75 on Tuesday morning.
Former lawmaker of the United Development Party (PPP)
faction, Fanny Syafriansyah alias Ivan Haz, could face 5
years in jail.
The Jakarta Police decided to focus on an assault allegation
reported by Toipah, Ivan`s maid.
Before the drugs abuse case, Ivan Haz was entangled with an
assault charge filed by his assistant.